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Dr. Robert Selig's Blog Posts

The Toxic Metals In Vaccines Are Life-Destroying

My personal favorite ingredient from big pharma's multi-billion-dollar baby, the vaccine industry, is the life-destroying toxic metals.

The late Henry Schroeder, MD, who was a world authority on minerals, wrote: "Most organic substances are degradable by natural processes. However, no metal is degradable…they are here to stay for a long time".

Meaning toxic metals persist and can remain in our bodies for decades and even stay in us a lifetime.

Toxic metals may deposit anywhere in the body, but they have a predilection to fat, making fat the preferred preference for storage of the toxic metals.

So, we could say that the obesity epidemic is because we have a toxicity epidemic.

The fat becomes a biological adaptation to protect your brain and nervous system, but still at a profoundly severe cost to your health.

These toxic metals are so pernicious that they may deposit in any organ, gland, or tissues in the body.

Once in the cells, they wreak their harmful effects by altering the pH of the tissues, which affects the charge of the cell, meaning cell permeability, that becomes compromised.

Cell permeability delineates what comes in and out of our cells, and that is a big deal!

Secondly, toxic metals may get stored with nutrient minerals because of their similar charges, but they act as an irritant to the local tissue giving rise to symptoms.

Thirdly, toxic metals block and or inhibit the nutrient mineral on the enzyme binding sites as the heavier toxic metal takes the parking space of the nutrient mineral.

When a nutrient mineral cannot be activated, or it gets blocked by the toxic metal.

This results in biochemical changes to our carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen structures.

These are the structures that make your rings chains and branches, allowing chemical novelty that make our hormones neurotransmitters signaling molecules and, of course, the making of our very own RNA and DNA, the God code.

Some toxic metals promote fungal, bacterial, and viral infections, and will become very difficult or impossible to eradicate until the metal issue has been resolved.

Some toxic metals such as lead, fluoride, aluminum have an affinity for the bones, and weak bones are a disaster because that's where our blood and immune cells are made, and not to mention weak bones fracture on the slightest provocation.

Toxic metals may become replacement parts in any tissues and structures in the body such as the arteries, joints, connective tissues, and muscles, as the toxic metal replacement process significantly weakens all of these tissues over time.

The most interesting effect is how the toxic metals replace nutrient minerals in enzyme binding sites.

Remember, enzymes are the workhorse of the cells as they get the job done.

When this replacement occurs, this may actually shut the enzyme off and or significantly slow it down, or it may overstimulate the enzymes.

This alone contributes to many of our health conditions and symptoms.

Simply put, toxic metals destroy digestion, weaken glands, especially the adrenals and thyroid glands, damage vital organs such as the kidneys and liver.

Worst yet, they are all are neurotoxic, which means they damage the brain and nervous system.

In fact, many mental and emotional health disorders involve excess toxic metals and nutrient deficiencies in the body and brain.

So my vote for the #1 life destroying ingredient in your vaccines is the toxic metals, brought to you by your new world order to break us down through attrition shot after shot leaving us depleted and contaminated, making us susceptible to every chronic disease...