Natural Non-Invasive Medical Care For Adults and Children

Dr. Robert Selig's Blog Posts

The Importance Of Liver Detoxification

Bile is not a single entity.

Bile is a solution; a mixture of many things and a compilation of many compounds such as bile salts derived from cholesterol, bile pigments (hemolyzed RBC’s), phospholipids, electrolytes, and trace minerals, but it is also the garbage from a lifetime of accumulated toxic pesticides, residues, chemicals, metals, bacterias, yeast and viruses.

Phase one and two liver detoxification breaks it down and packages it up to be dumped into the biliary system that you want to get into the toilet.

However, when the rate of build-up exceeds the rate of elimination, this begins the backup, instigating morphological changes in the liver cells.

We know structure determines function, and as the liver changes morphologically this becomes the fibrous tissue adaptations which will eventually lead to a fatty liver then a sclerotic liver—all impeding the 1000+ functions of the liver with escalating degrees of dysfunction.

Hence the importance of cleaning out the sewage system and the importance of liver cleanses.

Bile takes a lot of energy to create, so your body likes to reuse and recycle the bile.

But the problem is, your bile contains toxins, so when your body does recycle it, especially when instigating the flow of bile with the coffee enema, the old bile is flushed out causing your body to produce new, clean bile.

Doing the coffee enema, some of the toxic bile may get recycled with the mobilized toxins in it possibly leaving you feeling fatigued and ill.

This is why taking binders before and after your coffee enema will help as it ensures the toxins are grabbed and transported out of the body through cation exchange as you move the toxic bile out.

So after one year of detox, you may have gotten to a small layer of your toxic load after many coffee enemas, but the body is layered with garbage, which is why it is important to be consistent and diligent along the way as we try to get biliary patency in the millions of biliary canaliculi.

So as you continue the excavation of the toxins, there may be a small price to pay as you are purging out your malignant cancer cells along with all of your diseased necrotic tissues, and the assortment of metals, chemicals, and infections that may leave you feeling like you were hit by a truck.

We need to take the detox in a series, based on your vitality to help minimize the detox effects.

This is another reason why we use hair tissue mineral anlaysis to gauge the vitality of the patient as we prep them for the detox.

I personally love using homeopathic remedies to minimize the hit we take from the detox speed bump, that you must hit—not avoid—if you really want to get yourself out of the many years of health perdition.