Natural Non-Invasive Medical Care For Adults and Children

Dr. Robert Selig's Blog Posts

Magnesium: The Most Critical Mineral For Your Heart (And Why Most Doctors Don’t Know This)

Heart disease is the #1 killer in this country, however it is preventable if you have adequate MAGNESIUM—the true regulator of the heart.

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals for the heart as it represents the magnetic energy of the sun— just as the sun is the center of our solar system, the heart is the center of the body.

To get the core of our heart issues, we need a test that can truly assess the status of magnesium in the body.

What most allopathic doctors don’t know is that a typical red blood cell magnesium test will not give a patient their true magnesium status because most of the magnesium is not accounted for as it enters the cell and goes to the mitochondria to produce energy.

Watch this video to learn why it is important knowing the status of your magnesium and why it should be monitored with serial hair tissue mineral analyses—not blood tests.