Natural Non-Invasive Medical Care For Adults and Children

Dr. Robert Selig's Blog Posts

Arnica Montana can help the body and psyche heal faster


Arnica montana is a homeopathic derived from a plant relative of the Compositae family–also known as the common daisy.

It grows throughout Europe in high altitudes and in nutrient-deficient soil.

Arnica contains the antioxidants selenium and manganese.

Manganese is needed to heal wounds and to keep bones strong and healthy.

In homeopathy, arnica is used to treat acute injuries involving sprains, shock, fatigue, fractures, swelling, and bruising.

It is important to note, however, the psychological component that presents itself alongside the physical ailment.

Patients with an arnica constitution are people who attract and withstand a tremendous amount of physical and mental pain in their lives.

While they are known to be accident prone, they also have a tendency to toughen up in order to mask the pain.

Often, the arnica constitution will deny treatment and ensure a practitioner that he or she is “fine.”

Thus, the arnica must learn to allow for the body and psyche to heal and to call upon help when it is needed.